Saturday, December 11, 2004
Ocean's Twelve (2004)

Cast: George Clooney (Danny Ocean), Brad Pitt (Rusty Ryan), Bernie Mac (Frank Catton)
For complete cast, see IMDb's Ocean's Twelve page.
I think this movie has gotten a very bad rap. In part, that's deserved, but it's not the worst sequel ever. No, it's not original. It's a sequel to Ocean's Eleven. But, it was an enjoyable movie, which is sometimes all I want. The heist wasn't nearly as interesting as the first one, but I still thought it was fun and definitely worth seeing. If you loved Ocean's Eleven and go into this realizing it can't be as good as the original remake was, you'll enjoy Ocean's Twelve. As long as you don't expect much, you can still enjoy the mid-level movie.
Grade: C+Labels: 2004, Bernie Mac, Brad Pitt, comedy, crime, George Clooney, Julia Roberts, movie, remake