Saturday, October 02, 2004
Dracula, the Musical, Original Broadway Cast (2004)

Cast: Tom Hewitt (Dracula), Darren Ritchie (Jonathan Harker), Melissa Errico (Mina Murray)
For complete cast information, see the IBDb's Dracula, the Musical page.
Dracula, the Musical is certainly not the best musical Frank Wildhorn has ever done. In fact, I'd say it's one of his worst. However, at his worst Frank Wildhorn still produces some of the best music in the theatre. The flying vampires are also a nice touch.
I liked this show when I first saw it at the La Jolla Playhouse for the world premiere of the musical and I enjoyed it even more with the improved special effects added by a Broadway budget.
If the story of Dracula interests you at all, go see Dracula, the Musical. You'll enjoy it.
Grade: C+Labels: 2004, Broadway, drama, Frank Wildhorn, musical, original