Saturday, November 06, 2004
The Incredibles (2004)

Cast (voices): Craig T. Nelson (Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible), Holly Hunter (Helen Parr/Elastigirl), Samuel L. Jackson (Lucius Best/Frozone), Jason Lee (Buddy Pine/Syndrome)
For complete cast info, see IMDb's The Incredibles page.
I'd see any Pixar movie in theatres and I will continue to do so. Disney needs to keep them as a partner or lose their best animated movie creator of late.
The Incredibles is great! Sometimes, you could even forget that you were watching an animated movie, since the characters seem so real. It was easy to get involved in the story line and to care about the characters involved. Pixar just keeps getting better and better. They never cease to amaze me and I'll definitely own The Incredibles, as I do the rest of their movies.
Grade: A+Labels: 2004, action, adventure, animated, comedy, Craig T. Nelson, family, fantasy, John Ratzenberger, movie, Pixar, Samuel L. Jackson