Thursday, November 23, 2006
Scoop (2006)

Cast: Hugh Jackman (Peter Lyman), Scarlett Johansson (Sondra Pransky), Ian McShane (Joe Strombel), Fenella Woolgar (Jane Cook)
For complete information, see IMDb's Scoop page.
I'm not a fan of Woody Allen, but since I enjoyed Match Point so much, I thought that Scoop had a chance of being okay, even though he is in this one. Fortunately, I was right. Scoop is a very entertaining movie.
The cast is wonderful. Even Woody Allen wasn't too annoying. The story is interesting and very well developed. I highly recommend renting Scoop if you missed it when it was in theatres.
Grade: A-Labels: 2006, comedy, fantasy, Hugh Jackman, movie, mystery, Scarlett Johansson