Sunday, September 24, 2006
Zumanity (Cirque du Soleil), Las Vegas (2006)

Cirque du Solei's Zumanity site provides the details.
As my husband put it on our way out of the Zumanity Theatre, "Zumanity is the least Cirque of all the Cirque shows." Although that sounds like a silly statement, I think most people who have seen a few of the Cirque du Soleil shows would agree with David. Having seen 8 of their shows (and seeing one twice), so far Zumanity seems like Cirque du Soleil's only real attempt to capitalize on the angle of sin city in Las Vegas. Most of their shows could exist anywhere for years and years and have sold out shows forever. Zumanity really only fits in Las Vegas. Zumanity wasn't as far out there as I'd been lead to believe by the buzz, but it was definitely not the typical Cirque du Soleil show.
It was a good show, but I'd definitely recommend seeing any of the others in Las Vegas instead (though I have yet to see Love or Ka). I did learn some new tidbits about upcoming Cirque shows, when we bought our program the day before seeing Zumanity so we wouldn't have to carry it with us to dinner. Apparently, Saltimbanco is being reconfigured as a stadium show, which is really cool. I've only seen that on Bravo or PBS, but it will be great to see it live in the new version! There is also a show in development (to open in 2008) that includes a magician. Sounds like a great combination. And, of course, we'd already heard about the show using Elvis music, which is apparently not opening until 2010. I'll see them all at some point, I'm sure.
The music of Zumanity was pretty disappointing when you compare it to all of the amazing soundtracks they've produced for their shows so far. I was pretty surprised that I wasn't very impressed with most of the music.
If you want a combination of Cirque du Soleil and the stereotypical Las Vegas show with lots of nudity, Zumanity is for you. If not, it's probably not your show - see 'O', Mystere, Ka, or Love instead. There definitely aren't as much of the typical Cirque du Soleil amazeming acts in Zumanity as there are in all of their other shows, but it was entertaining and as a huge fan of Cirque du Soleil, I'm glad we saw it.
Grade: B-Labels: 2006, Cirque du Soleil, dancing, gymnastics, musical, Vegas