Saturday, November 18, 2000
Charlie's Angels (2000)

Cast: Drew Barrymore (Dylan Sanders), Cameron Diaz (Natalie Cook), Lucy Liu (Alex Munday), Bill Murray (John Bosley), Sam Rockwell (Eric Knox)
For complete info, see IMDb's Charlie's Angels page.
I loved the TV show and think that they did a really good job with the Charlie's Angels movie. I think they put in a lot of little things that you'll recognize if you watched the show. Not the best of the detective movies, but the TV show wasn't super-intelligent and difficult to figure out, either, so that's to be expected.
The cast is great and the action is very well done. I think they did a good job and that this is worth watching.
Grade: BLabels: 2000, action, adventure, Cameron Diaz, comedy, Drew Barrymore, movie