Monday, September 25, 2000
Duets (2000)

Cast: Gwyneth Paltrow (Liv), Huey Lewis (Ricky Dean), Scott Speedman (Billy Hannan), Maria Bello (Suzi Loomis), Andre Braugher (Reggie Kane), Paul Giamatti (Todd Woods)
For complete info, see IMDb's Duets page.
I really enjoyed this odd dramadic musical comedy. Quite an interesting space filled by Duets that isn't really tackled often. It's rare to see so many characters and different plot lines fit well together in a movie. It's also rare to see a movie with this much drama and music in one. The cast is wonderful and the story is well done. I found it interesting to see all these different stories converge in one karaoke competition - of all things. I definitely recommend renting this movie.
Grade: BLabels: 2000, comedy, drama, Gwyneth Paltrow, Maria Bello, movie, musical, Paul Giamatti