Saturday, August 19, 2000
The Patriot (2000)

Cast: Mel Gibson (Benjamin Martin), Heath Ledger (Gabriel Martin), Joely Richardson (Charlotte Selton), Jason Isaacs (Col. William Tavington), Chris Cooper (Col. Harry Burwell)
For complete info, see IMDb's The Patriot page.
I really enjoyed this movie where a peaceful farmer turns into a warrior. After the death of his son (at the hands of a sadistic British officer), he is driven to lead the Colonial Militia during the American Revolution. If you're interested in fictional revolution-era movies, this is a good idea. If you're looking for a realistic portrayal of a real-life hero, keep looking. As long as you go into the story realizing that it's fictional, which clearly changes the way some events unfold, it's very enjoyable.
Grade: BLabels: 2000, action, drama, Heath Ledger, Mel Gibson, movie, war