Saturday, December 05, 1998
Home Fries (1998)

Cast: Drew Barrymore (Sally Jackson), Catherine O'Hara (Beatrice Lever), Luke Wilson (Dorian Montier), Jake Busey (Angus Montier)
For complete cast info, see IMDb's Home Fries page.
This story about a pregnant woman who unknowingly falls for the step-son of the deceased father of her child and copes with the craziness of the family he left behind is very entertaining. I saw it because of Drew Barrymore and Luke Wilson. I'd see almost anything either of them do and I'm rarely disappointed. In spite of the poor marketting campaign, this movie was no exception. Home Fries is hardly high brow, but it's very enjoyable to watch.
Grade: BLabels: 1998, Catherine O'Hara, comedy, drama, Drew Barrymore, Luke Wilson, movie, romance