Wednesday, January 10, 2007
The Illusionist (2006)

Cast: Edward Norton (Eisenheim), Jessica Biel (Sophie), Rufus Sewell (Crown Prince Leopold), Paul Giamatti (Chief Inspector Uhl)
For complete information, see IMDb's The Illusionist page.
What a great movie. I wish I had made the time to see this movie in a theatre (as Avra told me to - I should have listened!). If you missed this in theatres also, I highly recommend it. By the time our theatre room is built, I'm sure we'll own this movie.
The Illusionist is a wonderful combination of mystery, romance, and special effects that comes together perfectly. The cast is amazing. The story is interesting and holds your attention until the very end of the movie. The special effects are very well done and the cinematography is gorgeous. If you or someone you know has a theatre room or very large LCD, watch The Illusionist there. It's worth watching this on the biggest screen you can. Perhaps they'll even re-release The Illusionist on the big screen before the Oscars if it's nominated for enough awards.
Grade: ALabels: 2006, drama, Edward Norton, Jessica Biel, movie, mystery, Paul Giamatti, romance, thriller