Superman Returns: An IMAX 3D Experience (2006)

Cast: Brandon Routh (Clark Kent/Superman), Kate Bosworth (Lois Lane), Kevin Spacey (Lex Luthor), James Marsden (Richard White), Parker Posey (Kitty Kowalski)
For complete info, see IMDb's Superman Returns page.
Since I only saw this movie in the IMAX 3D version, so I can't comment on the regular screen versions, but seeing it from the ideal location (center of the row and not too far up) for an IMAX theatre, this movie was incredible!
I wasn't sure how to feel about a new Superman movie. The originals were favorites of mine when I was younger and I wasn't sure I was ready for them to replace Christopher Reeve or Gene Hackman.
That being said, I think this cast was amazing! The addition of Kitty Kowalski (brilliantly portrayed by Parker Posey) really pushed this movie over the top to greatness - she was the perfect comic relief! I'm surprised that Tristan Lake Leabu who played Jason White (Lois's son) has never done anything before. I think we'll see him in a lot more. He was very good!
It was nice to see that during his time away Superman really improved his costume. The material is much better now and the look is definitely far superior to the original. You can tell Louise Mingenbach took a lot of time figuring out what to do for this costume. Very well chosen design.
Of course, it will always amaze me that Superman has such a horrible cover. I wear one contact most of the time, but sometimes I wear glasses. When I do, everyone still recognizes me. Occasionally, I get the "You wear glasses?" question, but I've never had anyone ask who I am if they already know me. *sigh* But, that isn't something those who created this movie, or the original, are responsible for, so I can't knock the movie for it.
I was glad to see a couple people seem to be starting to figure out that Clark Kent just MIGHT be Superman... Perhaps someday they'll put two and two together.
I highly recommend getting to an IMAX theatre to see Superman Returns if you can, even though only 4 scenes are in 3D (which I didn't realize until we got into the theatre - I guess that's the down side of not watching TV ads or listening to the radio much). The entire movie is in IMAX and seeing Superman Returns that was is definitely the best way to go. Of course, it wasn't filmed in IMAX (which they don't tell you till the movie is starting either), but it was still amazing. Heck, I even thought seeing a non-IMAX movie on that giant screen was worth it when they've done that in the past, so I would highly recommend it even if the IMAX company wasn't involved. The quality is definitely better with IMAX, though - you can't deny that.
I'm sure Superman Returns will be in theatres for a while, but definitely make sure you catch it while it is! This is one where the special effects really make seeing it on the big screen a must!
Grade: B+
If you haven't seen the movie and don't want any spoilers, stop reading now.
It bothered me a bit that Superman's son was such a weak child (on an inhaler and countless other medications). But, then I thought about it a bit.... and I figured that a couple options are possible and both of them work enough for me to be okay with it.
1. He could take a while to grow into his powers. And, perhaps didn't get enough sun when he was younger to be fully healthy, since a son of Clark's would get extra energy from the sun.
2. He could be over-medicated because the doctors don't understand him. If you think about how quickly doctors toss medications at kids (look at all the kids on ADD, many of whom are probably just too advanced for their teachers or need to be moved into the next grade), and adults for that matter. I'm not saying all doctors do this, but I definitely think our society as a whole is pretty over-medicated. Since doctors probably wouldn't understand any of Jason's blood work, they would be likely to think he needed medications. And those might have even made him weaker to some extent.
I know, I over-analyze some things in movies too much. I thought the movie was wonderful!Labels: 2006, 3D, action, adventure, comics, fantasy, IMAX, James Marsden, Kate Bosworth, Kevin Spacey, movie, sci-fi