Saturday, October 23, 1999
Fight Club (1999)

Cast: Edward Norton (The Narrator), Brad Pitt (Tyler Durden), Helena Bonham Carter (Marla Singer)
For complete info, see IMDb's Fight Club page.
What a movie! This movie about a guy starting a global organization to fight and vent aggression is amazing. Edward Norton and Brad Pitt are wonderful, as are the rest of the members of this cast. From the ads, I wasn't sure I needed to see this movie, but after seeing it, I'm very glad that I did. It's an amazing movie that makes you think about society and everyone's place in it.
I won't say too much, since I think this is a movie that needs to be seen to be believed. I think it's a great film and I highly recommend it.
Grade: A-Labels: 1999, Brad Pitt, crime, drama, Edward Norton, movie, thriller