Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire (2008)

Cast: Dev Patel (Jamal K. Malik), Anil Kapoor (Prem Kumar), Freida Pinto (Latika)
For complete info, see IMDb's Slumdog Millionaire site.
If you haven't seen Slumdog Millionaire yet and it's not on your rental list, you should add it. There is definitely a reason it won so many awards. I'm still not sure I'm happy about it winning best song, but I can understand the Academy voters getting caught up in the movie. It's definitely not a movie you need to see on a big screen (in fact, some of the scenes made me pretty happy I was seeing the movie on a smaller screen than theatres offer) and it's a very well done story about an average guy trying to reconnect with the woman of his dreams. The story is very well done and the acting is amazing. Everyone in the movie is sure to get a big boost for their acting careers.
Be sure to watch the credits. They were just as good as the movie (in fact, I watched them twice).
Grade: A-Labels: 2008, crime, Dev Patel, drama, Freida Pinto, movie, romance