Sunday, November 23, 2008
Spring Awakening tour, Ahmanson Theatre - LA (2008)

Cast: Kyle Riabko (Melchior), Blake Bashoff (Moritz), Christy Altomare (Wendla), Steffi D (Ilse), Sarah Hunt (Martha), Kimio Glenn (Thea), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto), Andy Mientus (Hanschen), Matt Shingledecker (Georg)
For complete information on the tour, see the official Spring Awakening site.
Spring Awakening has been one of my favorite shows since the first time I saw it on Broadway last year. I saw it three times in four days (2 of the tickets were purchased at TKTS) and have since seen it from the stage on Broadway and on tour twice (counting this time in LA). Clearly, I'm a HUGE fan of the show. I've enjoyed going with people who haven't seen the show yet out here in California. Not everyone can make it to New York once a year.
The touring cast of Spring Awakening is still mostly wonderful and they did just as amazing a job with the sets, lighting, sound, costumes, etc. I think most of the cast was better this time than when I saw them in San Diego a couple months ago. They seem to have come together more as a cast and the show is really working well. The only exception to this (and I heard another audience member talking to one of her friends about the same thing) is that Christy Altomare (Wendla)'s performance seemed to get worse. She's not horrible, but she's definitely the worst Wendla I've seen by a large margin (having seen Lea Michele & Alexandra Socha play Wendla on Broadway). Whispering was so flat that it was painful. I don't know if she was just tired (again) and I caught her on another bad night, but the next time the Spring Awakening tour comes to town, I hope Christy has moved on to do another show so I can see the next Wendla.
The friend I encouraged to go see Spring Awakening rarely attends the theatre, but he's a big fan of Spring Awakening now. He did a lot of research on the story and read a lot about it after seeing the show, needed the music right away, etc. He's also planning to see Spring Awakening again the next time it's in town, which is quite the endorsement from someone who couldn't remember the last time he'd really attended the theatre. :-)
I clearly still wouldn't suggest one see Spring Awakening if you can't handle sexual themes and brief (tasteful) nudity.
The music is amazing and I think the story (originally a 19th century German play) is timeless. The fact that the aspects of Spring Awakening that are shocking audiences today were in the original play is proof of that, it seems. I clearly still wouldn't recommend the show if you can't handle nudity & sexual themes, but if you can, Spring Awakening is wonderful!
If you enjoy musicals and are okay with sexual themes & a bit of nudity, you should definitely see Spring Awakening!
Grade: A+Labels: 2008, Best Musical, drama, Duncan Sheik, musical, tour