Friday, November 25, 2005
The Ice Harvest (2005)

Cast: John Cusack (Charlie Arglist), Billy Bob Thornton (Vic Cavanaugh), Connie Nielsen (Renata), Lara Phillips (Rusti), Bill Noble (Culligan), Randy Quaid (Bill Guerrard, Oliver Platt (Pete Van Heuten)
For complete info, see IMDb's The Ice Harvest page.
This dark comedy that takes place Christmas Eve is a great way to spend a couple hours on a holiday. A lawyer who's not very bright trying to rip off the mob on Christmas Eve when his partners may have some other ideas... Definitely an enjoyable movie. If you like black comedies, I'd recommend this one. The Ice Harvest has a lot of characters to keep track of, which keeps the story interesting. The cast is amazing, which definitely helps the execution of the story.
Grade: BLabels: 2005, comedy, crime, drama, John Cusack, movie