Saturday, December 27, 1997
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)

Cast: Pierce Brosnan (James Bond), Jonathan Pryce (Elliot Carver), Michelle Yeoh (Wai Lin), Teri Hatcher (Paris Carver), Judi Dench (M), Desmond Llewelyn (Q)
For complete info, see IMDb's Tomorrow Never Dies page.
Since this is only my second Bond movie, I don't have that much to compare Tomorrow Never Dies to... I really enjoyed the movie and will definitely see more 007 movies in the future. I'm a big fan of Jonathan Pryce, so it was great to see him in this one.
Tomorrow Never Dies has everything that (as I understand it) you've always been able to expect in a James Bond movie. It has lots of action, beautiful women, a few hot guys, and a great new bond car with fun toys. I definitely think that this one is worth watching!
Grade: BLabels: 1997, action, adventure, Bond, Judi Dench, movie, Pierce Brosnan, thriller